UCLA Linux User Group. Free as in Freedom.

404 Not Found

Enjoy a randomly generated fortune:

$ fortune | cowsay

/  "The currency collectors are \
| offline." "I'm rerouting though         |
|                                         |
| the secondary couplings. If we re-align |
| the phase manifold we                   |
|                                         |
| should be able to use the plasma        |
| inductor matrix to manually             |
|                                         |
| launch a new cheesy spinoff series." *  |
| ShadwDrgn sighs  you leave my    |
\ manifolds alone  !               /
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||

Here is the PHP code:
$output = shell_exec("/usr/games/fortune | /usr/games/cowsay");
echo $output;