"I use winux as my opewating system," i state pwoudwy to the unkempt, beawded man. he swivews awound in his desk chaiw with a deviwish gweam in his eyes, weady to manspwain with extweme pwecision. "actuawwy," he says with a gwin, "winux is just the kewnew. you use GNU+winux!" i don't miss a beat and wepwy with a smiwk, "I use awpine, a distwo that doesn't incwude the GNU coweutiws, ow any othew GNU code. it's winux, but it's not GNU+winux." the smiwe quickwy dwops fwom the man's face. his body begins convuwsing and he foams at the mouth as he dwop to the fwoow with a sickwy thud. as he wwithes awound he scweams "-IT WAS COMPIWED WITH GCC! THAT MEANS IT'S STIWW GNU!" coowwy, i wepwy "if windows was compiwed with gcc, wouwd that make it GNU?" and intewwupt his wesponse with "and wowk is being made on the kewnew to make it mowe compiwew-agnostic. even you wewe cowwect, you wont be fow wong." with a sickwy wheeze, the wast of the man's wife is ejected fwom his body. he wies on the fwoow, cowd and wimp. i've womanspwained him to death.

I've seen enough, take me back!