UCLA Linux User Group. Free as in Freedom.

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Enjoy a randomly generated fortune:

$ fortune | cowsay

/ To a New Yorker, all Californians are   \
| blond, even the blacks. There are, in   |
| fact, whole neighborhoods that are      |
| zoned only for blond people. The only   |
| way to tell the difference between      |
| California and Sweden is that the       |
| Swedes speak better English."           |
|                                         |
| -- From "East vs. West: The War Between |
\ the Coasts                              /
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||

Here is the PHP code:
$output = shell_exec("/usr/games/fortune | /usr/games/cowsay");
echo $output;